Saturday, February 25, 2006

Blog now at

The blog maintained by Derek Humphry is now up and running at

This blog site at will be kept for archival purposes.


Blogger c said...

Love your book. It is my bible these days. I am days away for Helium Deliverance. I lost my daughter 2 years ago, all I think about is being reunited with her. My last aspiration. Checkout my blog It is my thoughts as I move forward in my deliverance.

11:51 AM, October 17, 2007  
Blogger clydelady731 said...

Ya'll are doing a great service. I firmly tell friends and family about the need for living will and a dnr.
I firmly believe those that are able to decide they can't bare anymore, should be allowed to do so with dignity. Mental or Physical doesn't matter - only the person knows when enough is enough and they no longer want to burden those they live with or love. Great sharing on PBS. Blessings with your work and org.

8:12 PM, November 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I recently came across your blog and have found it to be very interesting. You make some well ifnormed points about Euthanasia, and ones' rights of self-deliverance.

I was wondering if you would be interested in sharing your blog on Glipho? Glipho is a new social blogging network that aims to promote the writing of its users and help build their audiences. We are trying to establish a creative community at Glipho, and your blog is just what we are looking for.

As your blog is powered by Blogger, you can simply import all your old posts to Glipho without affecting your existing blog at all. You can use your Glipho account to connect to any other major social network accounts you may own, so you can spread your blog as far as possible. We also use our own social media accounts to promote your content.

If you're interested check out our website at and have a look around. Please feel free to ask me any questions, and if you would like to receive an invite to set up an account!

Have a great day,


Glipho Limited
14 Suite 3 D
Docklands Business Centre
10-16 Tiller Road
London E14 8PX


6:46 AM, March 05, 2013  
Blogger Be Blogger said...

Bila Anda Ingin Jasa Pasang Gorden Terdekat Maka
Sewa Apartemen Dekat Bandara, Nah
Berapa Gaji Staff Produksi Dan Apa
Pentingnya Surat Lamaran Kerja. Coba Lihat
Contoh Surat Lamaran Staff Marketing Serta
Keahlian Wajib Staff Accounting Agar
Konsultan SEO Tidak Perlu Punya
Keahlian Wajib Staff Produksi Dan Order
Furniture Rumah Sakit.

4:32 AM, August 25, 2020  

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